速報APP / 社交 / InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More

InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More



檔案大小:27 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More(圖1)-速報App

* Finally post panoramas on Instagram, by using the Perfect Pano mode to save the panorama into swipeable images for a multi post.

* Add a watermark to pictures.

* Choose photo aspect ratio (tall, wide, square) and * background color.

* Smooth skin in pictures, using an advanced High Pass Skin Smoothing algorithm.

* Brighten shots, with the advanced Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization algorithm.

Other photo tools in the app:

- Rotate,

InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More(圖2)-速報App

- Flip / Mirror,

- "Like Me" (adds a heart shaped overlay where one will appear),

- Brighten


Try it out!


InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More(圖3)-速報App

Let us know what other tools for Instagram you want by email: danny@a-r-studios.com

InstaTools: Perfect Pano &More(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad